October 6, 2008

Play at Work

A few weeks ago two of the art directors, Phyllis and Jenifer, and I went to the Children's Museum to get pictures for a little article on a superhero exhibit they have right now. The exhibit was great and was a really nice fieldtrip break from work. I have a newfound interest in superheroes.

We found a box of superhero costumes, mostly kid-sized, in one part of the exhibit. After some digging, we pulled out a cape and a suit that would fit us adults. Each of us dressed up and got our picture taken by the others. Somehow the picture that Jenifer took of me ended up in the superhero article in the November December issue of Humpty Dumpty. I'm being exploited by the art directors. Thankfully I don't look quite like myself in the picture, right?

Don't worry, I was already told that my pose is inaccurate, as Batman does not fly.

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