September 23, 2008

New Music Thursday

I love love love that I can listen to music basically for free on the internets. I mostly use Rhapsody, on which I have two accounts plus the "you don't have to sign in" account, which equals 75 free plays a month. MySpace is pretty good as well, though until recently, artists only posted a smattering of their music. I logged in today to discover that MySpace Music is getting a facelift. Artists will be posting entire collections, every album they've recorded, on their pages. YAY! I realize that all this free music floating around on the internet could be worrisome in that now fans won't be as inclined to buy the actual albums. Unless you're awesome and can figure out how to get files off of MySpace, etc and onto your computer, then you still have to buy the music to actually have it. I like having the stuff I listen to online on my iPod also. It transfers better to the gym and into the car than my entire computer. So I think the music industry is safe. For now:)

More free music was aquired this weekend from some of A's friends. Included are Cold War Kids, Ghostland Observatory, MGMT, Silversun Pickups, The Black Keys, Vampire Weekend and The Hold Steady. On the way are The Shins. Plus, PLUS, a dj friend of A's recently lost his job (radio station got shut down I think) and he got to take the station's entire library with him! That is 27,000 classic rock type genre songs friends. Holy my goodness.

Last thing, a mention of one of my favorite musicians, Matt Nathanson. Marnie, Sam and I went to a small Howie Day concert at IU (OK now I'm not sure if it was Howie Day...regardless) and this guy with a guitar, a cello player and a great sense of humor opened for him. So began my love affair with Matt Nathanson. Four years later he's still rocking my world and finally getting serious radio play. Maybe you've heard his single Come On Get Higher. But did you know that he released his first album in 1993? That's right, 15 years ago (I did my math correctly, right?). Granted I think it was one of those during college albums, but still. How a guy like him manages to float just below the mainstream music radar for so long is beyond me. He's one of VH1's You Oughta Know artists right now, and yes, you oughta know (says Alanis Morisette). So please go check him out. He's even going to be at the Music Mill here in Indy on Sunday night.

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